Room 7 Edublog

Room 7 Edublog


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  • Yearbook
  • Class Expectations:
    The class rules will be determined collaboratively within each class and will be categorized under one or more of the following expectations:
    Expectation 1: Show respect for yourself and others.
    Expectation 2: Take responsibility for your actions.
    Expectation 3: Come to class prepared to learn.

    Course Description:
    Our goal is to work together to create a cherished keepsake that captures afresh the spirit, traditions, ethics, and memories of this school community. Yearbook is an elective which provides students the opportunity to participate in any one or more of the following interests: photography, journalism, editing, page design, publishing techniques, marketing, and theme creation. Along with these skills, students will also be utilizing time management in meeting deadlines, organizational strategies in placing yearbook pictures and articles in the proper folders, teamwork responsibilities in working together towards a common goal, and principles of design in creating an original, innovative theme complete with page design. Yearbook assignments will include problem solving, research, reading, writing, and projects.
    It is expected that students will produce error-free high quality work through many drafts, edits, and revisions. While students will often work as a team, individual assignments will also be tasked. Students should expect exams, tests, quizzes, oral and written research reports, reading assignments, and projects.

    Class Requirements:
    Students will:
    • Complete all assigned pages
    • Work cohesively individually and as a group towards a common goal
    • Place photos or article write-ups in the proper folder(s)
    • Include names of every person on every photo
    • Spell 100% names correctly
    • Design to the proper specifications
    • Follow the chosen theme
    • Take pictures and/or conduct interviews as assigned (which includes being present, fully prepared, at school activities)
    • Complete all miscellaneous assignments and projects
    • Follow protocol for permission in using photos belonging to the community

    Grading Policy:
    Grading is based on how well students meet the standards on which the assignments are based. Students have a week to retake a test; however, it is a student’s responsibility to set up this retake with the teacher AND to factor in time to meet with the teacher beforehand to ensure the material is learned properly. Due dates are important to observe. Due to the nature of publishing deadlines, late work cannot be accepted for full credit. Any work turned in after the deadline will be granted no credit. Absent students must ensure they follow the district’s policy for getting any assignments in within the proper timeframe. If an important deadline will be missed, students are responsible for making it up ahead of time when possible or making arrangements to have it covered. Long-term assignments with due dates provided in advance cannot be made up for late work. This includes excused absences. These assignments must be completed in advance of an absence. Grades will not be rounded. Extra credit is earned, not given simply to raise a GPA, and is not available to any student with a missing assignment or a “0.”

    KCHS uses the following point scale in grading:
    A (above standard) 90-100%
    B (proficiently meets standard) 80-89%
    C (meets standard) 70-79%
    D (below standard) 60-69%
    F (failing standard) 59% or below

    30%: Employability = Classroom behavior, preparedness, & participation
    70%: Page Production

    Students who are caught cheating on any assignment or helping others cheat will receive zero points with no opportunity for redoing the assignment. All students who are involved in copying either classwork or homework, plagiarizing materials (including rewording information and not providing a citation), or in violation of copyright laws will receive zero points on the assignment, regardless of the weight of the assignment or how it affects their GPA. Any occurrence will result in an individual student-teacher conference and communication home to the student’s parent or guardian. A copy of the copied or plagiarized assignment can be emailed or mailed home at a parent or guardian’s request. Cheating or plagiarizing will factor into a student’s evaluation and will impact their final score for a unit.

    Out of Class Participation:
    A yearbook cannot be completed solely within school hours as many school activities take place after hours. Therefore, yearbook students are expected to be available per assignment requirements as needed after school and on weekends to photograph or gather information to be used in the yearbook in order to meet publishing deadlines. Class time will not be used for photography or interviewing unless special circumstances arise.

    Necessary Supplies:
    • 3-ring binder or similar organizational tool
    • notebook paper (paper torn from a notebook is acceptable if the edges are trimmed)
    • writing utensils (pencil or pen, blue or black ink only please)
    • erasers or White-Out, depending on the chosen writing utensil
    • highlighters
    • sticky notes
    I would also suggest getting the following supplies when it is possible, or sharing such supplies with fellow classmates:
    • art supplies (pens, colored pencils, paper, etc.) – some will be available for use in class
    • flash drive
    • Journal (Steno pad, spiral notebook, or composition book)

    Planner Use & Passes:
    Students must bring their own official KCHS planner to class every day. A student cannot leave the classroom without using the planner as a pass. Students should habitually use their planner to stay on top of this important information. Their class’s weekly work will be posted in my classroom and on the blog, so there is no excuse for missing assignments. Students should use passing time between classes to go to their lockers, the drinking fountain, or the restroom. Students must use passes from their own official KCHS planner. Please let me know when there are special circumstances that require a student to leave class often or on short notice so that I can be sensitive to those needs. Misuse of passes may result in loss of this privilege. Misusing restroom breaks may result in not being allowed to leave during class. Being absent from class longer than 5 minutes while using a pass will result in being marked “unexcused absent”.

    Food (including candy or any edible object) is not allowed in class without permission. Students may bring beverages as long as they are in a sealed container that will not spill (e.g. water bottles). Beverages may not be around computers.

    All clothing must adhere to the KCHS student handbook guidelines, or students will be required to change. Furthermore, any clothing that is inappropriate or borderline when seated will result in students being required to change. Hats and hoods will be mandated to be removed before entering class (exception: unless part of a costume for school spirit week).

    Cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices will occasionally be used in class for specific assignments. Students who follow the classroom procedure for electronics use will be allowed to
    use these devices for these assignments. Students who abuse the privilege will have their devices taken and turned in to the office where they can be retrieved at the end of the day. Parents, please support your student’s responsible use of these devices by not calling or texting them during class.

    Individual Help:
    Students who need my help on assignments or concepts are welcome to talk to me. I am comfortable meeting before or after school. If a student tries to meet with me during another class’s time, I will not be able to provide help. I believe that each class is important and expect students to show courtesy and respect to their other teachers’ schedules. I also ask that students give me some warning before meeting with me so I can gather any useful supplies or information; asking me for help on an assignment ten minutes before it is due will not allow me to prepare adequately.

    Please sign and detach this page to turn in. The rest of the syllabus can be maintained for your records.

    By signing the commitment contract, the student and/or parents/guardians agree to:

    • I grant permission for me or my child to work on yearbook-related errands in the community outside of school hours.
    • I understand that I or my child will need to devote time outside of class for the completion of assigned tasks outlined in their job description.
    • I understand that I or my child will be working with specialized equipment and supplies and will be held responsible for any damage, loss and/or waste due to negligence.
    • I understand that if I or my child is going to be absent that he/she needs to make arrangements for his/her duties to be covered.
    • I understand that I or my child will be responsible for assisting with financial aspects of the publication including book and advertising sales. This may be used as part of the class evaluation criteria.

    Student name (printed) Student signature

    Student email: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________

    Parent/guardian name (printed) Parent/guardian signature

    Parent Email: _________________________________________________________________

    Home Phone: ______________________________ Work Phone: ________________________

    Cell Phone: ________________________________

    Best times to call: _______________________________________________________________

    Additional contact information or student awareness information (allergies, trips, etc.) can be written below and on the back, if desired.

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