Room 7 Edublog

Room 7 Edublog

About Site

I am honored to have the privilege of being a part of the KCHS staff for a fourth year!  I come from Kenny Lake, AK, which is about 45 minutes northwest of the famous fishwheeling Mecca, Chitina.  Having lived in Alaska for 24 years, I definitely feel this beautiful state is home.  I appreciate the opportunity I have been given to assist students in reaching their goals, and I am honored to be a part of such an incredible community, district, and school.


The menu headings at the top of this page will navigate to the various classes I am teaching for this school year.  Each page will have a syllabus for that class to which you may refer. The right column has categories for each class which contain updated lesson plans. Clicking on the calendar will display all the posts for that day. Do not forget to check out the “Other Resources” page!

Thank you for your interest!

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