Room 7 Edublog

February 8, 2014


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:21 PM

Analyze learning experiences and providing useful feedback
Write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and relevant & sufficient evidence
Develop claims fairly and thoroughly
Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone
Working with peers to respond to questions that probe reasoning, refining arguments
Demonstrate knowledge of essay editing including organization, sentence fluency, and conventions

In pods, students will research a topic
They will keep a t-chart of pro and con
Write a thesis statement for both sides of the chart
Independently, complete a persuasive essay either for or against


Persuasive Papers due at the beginning of class Wednesday, Feb. 12th, with the t-chart and any other brainstorming papers.
Graffiti project (book report) due March 3rd

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