Room 7 Edublog

February 27, 2016


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 9:10 PM

M: Man in the Mirror
T: Gone, Gone, Gone
W: Made in the USA
Th: Eminem
F: My Way

M: What classes should the school make mandatory (that they don’t now) to prepare students for life?
T: If there was 20K in the budget for the address to graduates, whom would you persuade the school board to request for this year’s commencement address?
W: The month of April has no school breaks yet is full of testing. What is your opinion: is this wise or unwise?
Th: School cafeteria food: is it delicious yet nutritious? Is there room for improvement?
F: Should college be “free” like public school?

To grasp the issues of the time and how these are mirrored in our own time
To analyze the function of satire
To evaluate the target of satire

Analyze Gulliver’s Travels
Compare/contrast to Candide

Read & analyze Wuthering Heights, filling out study guide

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