Room 7 Edublog

January 24, 2016


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 8:21 PM

To analyze persuasive strategies used in writing, determining types of propaganda
To apply persuasive strategies and propaganda to reading & writing
To critique writing for editing errors

M: Write down the 8 parts of speech
T: Write the definition of a verb & provide 3 examples
W: What is a verb phrase? Identify the verb phrases.
Th: Identify the verb phrases.
F: Identify the verb phrases.

M-T: In library lab working on persuasive essays; due at END OF CLASS Tuesday
W: Things Fall Apart discussion and pop quiz
Th: Review for Test
F: Persuasive Test

1/26: Persuasive essay due AT THE END OF THE CLASS PERIOD!!!
1/27: Pop-quiz on Things Fall Apart Ch. 10-14
1/28: Study for persuasive test scheduled for 1/29
2/3: Brochure for Things Fall Apart;
All persuasive unit homework MUST BE TURNED IN BY FRIDAY in order for you to get credit!


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp,LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 8:05 PM

To apply persuasive strategies and propaganda to writing
To examine writings using persuasive strategies

M: Lord of the Flies:
T: Move the Deer Crossing:
W: Drop Box:
Pop-Up Stores:
Mr. Bean at the Dentist

Th: Foster Needs on the Rise:
Mr. Bean Snores:
F: To what extent should religion impact your life?

M-T: Library Lab for persuasive essay writing
W: Review for test
Th: Test; begin Canterbury Tales Pretest
F: Canterbury Tales Introduction

LA 12 – Continue reading book report books & preparing oral report with a prop
AP – Continue reading Jane Eyre and filling out study guide
Tuesday 26th: Essay due at the end of the class period
Thursday 28th: Test over the persuasive unit; all work done to date for this unit MUST be turned in for credit

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