Room 7 Edublog

March 16, 2015


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 9:01 AM

Respond to a timed poetry prompt in the allotted 40 minutes
Construct meaning, building on explication of theme, purpose, and literary devices
Justify analysis through selecting textual evidence

What are the pros and cons to knowing when a relationship will “expire”?

Overview of quarter
Timed poetry prompt on “Thou Blind Man’s Mark”

Next section of multiple-choice test


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:41 AM

To determine 2 or more themes and analyze their development
To cite evidence to support analysis
To determine meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text
To write to examine and convey information, analyzing and evaluating the text
To participate effectively in collaborative discussions
To respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives

M: What if friendships came with an expiration date?
T: If you had to share a brain with someone, whom would it be?
W: Write 5 Facebook posts from your future self, 10 years from now
TH: Write an original sentence that you think has never been written before

Read, analyze, and discuss Macbeth
Take notes and analyze themes
Watch each act after reading and discuss

Act II Newspapers, notes, and themes due 3/23/15


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:36 AM

3 minute quickwrite: What would it be like if all friendships came with an expiration date (like groceries)? What would be the pros and cons?
Library books: check out new books for book reports

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