Practice LA test using KITE portal
(In preparation for testing in April)
To create a persuasive composition
To devise a composition with tone
To construct sentences using varied sentence openers
To analyze persuasive strategies
M: Get into pairs and act out different persuasive strategies for your partner to guess
T: Review time given before test
Practice sentence openers
Continue hat persuasion draft & edits
T: Persuasive Test
Reading Log
Prepare for test on persuasion
Analyze sample student AP essays
Evaluate essays & come to consensus on the scores
Analyze and evaluate their own essays & essay scores
To enable students to better understand the AP test and how it is scored so they can reflect that knowledge in their essays
Explanation of scoring/consensus and AP grading
Hand out student essays
Students will split into groups to read and score essays, including their own
Students will read and score these one at a time, individually and silently
In the case of disagreement, a tie breaker will go into effect
The AP score for each essay will be discussed after students come to consensus
LA 12 3 Wk 5
To determine 2 or more themes and analyze their development
To cite evidence to support analysis
To determine meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text
To write to examine and convey information, analyzing and evaluating the text
To participate effectively in collaborative discussions
To respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives
M: You are an average of the 5 people you are around the most. Agree/Disagree?
T: Eligibility check
W: 3 Weird Sisters: are they evil that seeks you out, evil that you choose, or a combination?
Read, analyze, and discuss Macbeth
Take notes and analyze themes
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