Act I test of Macbeth
Act I test due Wednesday
Act I notes due Thursday
Act I test of Macbeth
Act I test due Wednesday
Act I notes due Thursday
To evaluate the times and customs in which the Canterbury Tales was written
To critique the stories, assessing satiric elements and evaluating themes
To create scripts and movie posters portraying story elements
To create cohesive groups and work together towards a common goal
T: Overview of the era, story, and author
W-F: Workdays in groups
M: Presentation
Canterbury Tales project due Monday
The Heart of Darkness group presented their immersion activity
Canterbury Tales projects due Monday
To write an argument
To support claims, supplying evidence
To write cohesively
To construct sentences with a variety of sentence openers and lengths
Create a rough draft about your pet peeve
Rough drafts due Wednesday
Book report projects due Monday
Finish QWAs (for absent students who missed)
Canterbury Tales Workday (get into story groups and read)
Analyze sample student AP essays
Evaluate essays & come to consensus on the scores
Analyze and evaluate their own essays & essay scores
To enable students to better understand the AP test and how it is scored so they can reflect that knowledge in their essays
Hand out student essays
Students will split into groups to read and score essays, including their own
Students will read and score these one at a time, individually and silently
In the case of disagreement, a tie breaker will go into effect
The AP score for each essay will be discussed after students come to consensus
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