Room 7 Edublog

September 18, 2014


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:25 AM

To continue to build skills in recognizing verbs & their functions
To analyze a short story for theme and story sequence
To compare/contrast central figures
To evaluate different types of monster stories
To create an original monster story while practicing teamwork and focus

1. Have you been driving long?

2. Where was the car parked?

3. Can I be of assistance?

4. I’ve seen worse turf burns than that.

Finish comparing/contrasting monster stories.
In groups, students will begin outlining their monster story on a story sequence chart.

Reading Logs
Novel PowerPoint Presentations


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:24 AM

To finish analyzing Beowulf
To complete the compare/contrast between Beowulf’s burial and JFK’s burial
To complete analysis of heroic circle
To research a current even that captures the essence of the meaning of a monster in Beowulf

TH: Lines 820-821 in Beowulf read, “I sold my life for this treasure, and I sold it well.” Do you agree with Beowulf that he sold his life well? What would be a worthy sacrifice for which you would “sell” your life?

F: Many experiences in our lives are memorable because they forced
us to examine our basic beliefs and values. Tell about such an experience in your life.

Finish reading and analyzing Beowulf, completing the comparison between his and JFK’s burials
Find and print 3 articles/stories that center around the current event you wish to center your monster story around

Reading Logs
Book Report PowerPoint Presentations


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 7:23 AM

To devise ways to analyze literature
To justify analysis
To assess the best analytical critical lens to use
To engage in public speaking and presentation

TH: As adolescents, many of us promise ourselves that we’ll never be
like our parents. But as we mature, we often find that we think and
act a lot like our parents do. Describe a time when you realized
you were behaving like your mother or father (or other guardian)
and how that experience helped you better understand & appreciate your

F: Many experiences in our lives are memorable because they forced
us to examine our basic beliefs and values. Tell about such an
experience in your life.

Students will learn about different critical lenses used in analyzing literature.
Through reading a poem, students will practice the use of critical lenses, justifying their analysis and assessing the best critical lens to use.

Reading Logs
Study devices B & C sections

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