Room 7 Edublog

September 15, 2014


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 2:43 PM

To continue to build skills in recognizing verbs & their functions
To analyze a short story for theme and story sequence
To compare/contrast central figures
To evaluate different types of monster stories
To create an original monster story while practicing teamwork and focus

1. My wife is reading in the hammock under the tree.

2. The message can’t be altered.

3. Somewhere a party is being planned.

4. Shouldn’t I be a clown for Halloween?

Finish reading & analyzing “The Most Dangerous Game”
Finish comparing/contrasting central figures
Time permitting, begin comparing/contrasting different types of monster stories

Reading Logs


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 9:02 AM

To continue to build skills in recognizing verbs & their functions
To analyze a short story for theme and story sequence
To compare/contrast central figures
To evaluate different types of monster stories
To create an original monster story while practicing teamwork and focus

1. I can understand his concern.

2. She must have told you ten times.

3. We shall go tomorrow.

4. The wind was howling all night.

Continue reading & analyzing “The Most Dangerous Game”
Continue comparing/contrasting central figures

Reading Logs


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 9:01 AM

To read and analyze Greek myths
To evaluate myth elements
To create original myths based on myth elements
To engage in public speaking and presentation
To study literary devices
To devise ways to analyze literature

M: Movies and books often talk about the importance of loyalty and
friendship. Tell about a time in your life when friendship proved to
be of great importance to you.

T: The way a person handles disappointment reveals a great deal
about what is important to him or her. Tell about a time in your
life when you confronted disappointment and how you handled it.

Students will finish reading & analyzing myths.
They will create their own original myths in pods.
Afterwards, they will present their original myths to the class as a group skit presentation.
Time permitting, we will begin the study of literary analysis

Reading Logs
Study devices B & C sections


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 9:00 AM

To analyze Beowulf
To identify literary elements in Beowulf
To draw comparisons between the monsters Beowulf faces to the “monsters” today
To create original vocabulary illustrations
To compare/contrast the burial of a leader in Anglo Saxon times to a leader buried in a more modern era

M: Lines 507-509 in Beowulf read, “So fame comes to the men who mean to win it and care about nothing else.” Do you agree? Is this a positive statement or negative?

T: Lines 758-760 in Beowulf read, “But those days are over and gone and now our lord must lean on younger arms.” Wiglaf had learned an important lesson about what it means to be a wise leader. In what ways can society learn from this today?

Write down the current even you will be researching
Students will identify literary elements as we begin reading Beowulf
Discussion and clarification of ideas in Beowulf
JFK burial link:
Compare/contrast Beowulf’s burial to that of JFK’s.

Reading Logs
Book Report PowerPoint Presentations
Decide on a specific current event/situation to write a story around

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