Room 7 Edublog

September 11, 2014


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:33 AM

To analyze Beowulf
To identify literary elements in Beowulf
To draw comparisons between the monsters Beowulf faces to the “monsters” today
To create original vocabulary illustrations

Study for test

Begin with test
Students will identify literary elements as we begin reading Beowulf
Discussion and clarification of ideas in Beowulf
A complimentary story to Beowulf will be read to the students as they work on their vocabulary illustrations

Reading Logs
Study Vocabulary & worksheet; test on Thursday, 9/11


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 7:32 AM

To read and analyze Greek myths
To evaluate myth elements
To create original myths based on myth elements
To engage in public speaking and presentation
To test literary device knowledge

Th: Students will finish Greek Jigsaw presentations and begin reading & analyzing myths
F: Literary Devices: “A” test
Students will finish reading & analyzing myths and create their own original myths in pods

Reading Logs
9/12: Lit. Devices “A” test

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