Room 7 Edublog

September 4, 2014


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:12 AM

To analyze Beowulf
To identify literary elements in Beowulf
To draw comparisons between the monsters Beowulf faces to the “monsters” today
To create original vocabulary illustrations

F: Write about a time you experienced or learned something for the first time. It could be when you first rode a bike or learned a new game. It could have been your first day of school, your first train or plane ride, or your first trip to an amusement park. First experiences are special for some reason. They may be funny, scary, or exciting.

Wrap-up Heroic Circle
Students will identify literary elements as we begin reading Beowulf
Discussion and clarification of ideas in Beowulf
A complimentary story to Beowulf will be read to the students as they work on their vocabulary illustrations

Reading Logs
Study Vocabulary


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 7:10 AM

To research Ancient Greek literature
To appreciate the culture and literature of Greek theater
To instruct what is learned to others

Th: “A” Section of Literary Devices: review for a test
F: Review game with Literary Devices beginning with an “A”

Are you Greek hero material?
Jigsaw activity: in pods, students will read about Greek theatre and plays
They will teach the rest of the class what they have learned

Due 9/4: Biblical Allusions
Reading Log
Due 9/9: Greek & Roman gods
9/10: Greek Jigsaw Presentations
9/12: Literary Devices Test on “A” section

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