Room 7 Edublog

April 18, 2014


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 2:47 PM

Use efficient note-making and note-taking strategies
Explain the effects of a variety of literary devices & techniques
Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, events, & themes of the play
Develop coherent & plausible interpretations of material
Support opinions & respond to questions & tasks with textual evidence
Communicate to clarify ideas, understanding, and opinions

Students will re-read two quotes from act one: Lady Macbeth’s speech at the beginning
of scene 5 and Macbeth’s speech at the beginning of scene 7. In their journals, students
will take notes about both character’s personality and other characteristics. This will be
the backbone of the next assignment. (15 minutes)
• Assignment: Individually, students will be asked to draw a symbol that they feel
represents Lady Macbeth and another symbol they believe will define Macbeth’s
personality. Students will then write two paragraphs: one for each character that defends
their drawings. (35 minutes)


Independent novel project
Act I Test Tuesday

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