Use efficient note-making and note-taking strategies
Explain the effects of a variety of literary devices & techniques
Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, events, & themes of the play
Develop coherent & plausible interpretations of material
Support opinions & respond to questions & tasks with textual evidence
Communicate to clarify ideas, understanding, and opinions
Journal Writing: “Greed is the root of all evil” – students are to comment in their journal
on this phrase. What does this phrase tell us about human nature? Is it good to be ambitious? What do you think this has to do with Macbeth?
Journal Writing: “Fate is predetermined and unchangeable.” Agree or disagree?
Discuss bellringer
Finish scenes from yesterday
Continue Act 1, Scenes 3-7
The class will discuss the four scenes: questions will be based on general comprehension,
selected quotes from the text, and student raised questions. There will be a focus on two
quotes: Lady Macbeth at the beginning of scene 5 and Macbeth at the beginning of scene
During & after the reading, students will write in their journals: questions, reactions, notes on the
main characters.
Independent novel project