Room 7 Edublog

April 18, 2014


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 4:31 PM

To analyze plot development in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
To evaluate how themes were brought to life
To analyze characters in their significance to the conflicts
To read to comprehend poetry and its devices

Practice research in preparation for district assessment next week

Read Romeo and Juliet
Class discussions and notes
Exit tickets


Continue reading 10-15 minutes nightly. Work on book report project.


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 4:28 PM

Use efficient note-making and note-taking strategies
Explain the effects of a variety of literary devices & techniques
Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, events, & themes of the play
Develop coherent & plausible interpretations of material
Support opinions & respond to questions & tasks with textual evidence
Communicate to clarify ideas, understanding, and opinions

What is the effect of guilt on the human soul?

Continue reading & discussing Act II, adding to notes


Independent novel project
Act II Test Friday


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 4:10 PM

Use efficient note-taking strategies
Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas & themes of the story
Develop coherent & plausible interpretations of material
Examine characterization and the role literary devices & dictions plays
Support opinions & respond to questions & tasks with textual evidence
Communicate to clarify ideas, understanding, and opinions

Review parts of speech

Discuss the 4th quarter district assessment
Review research paper guidelines
Finish Katherine Mansfield’s “Garden Party”


Friday Absentees: Read the section of “Garden Party” missed; Final Research Paper with Title Page, Outline, 5-7 page paper, and Works Cited due Friday, April 25, 2014


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 2:50 PM

Use efficient note-taking strategies
Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas & themes of the story
Develop coherent & plausible interpretations of material
Examine characterization and the role literary devices & dictions plays
Support opinions & respond to questions & tasks with textual evidence
Communicate to clarify ideas, understanding, and opinions

Review parts of speech

Read Katherine Mansfield’s “Garden Party”
Develop characterization through discussion and note-taking


Final Research Paper with Title Page, Outline, 5-7 page paper, and Works Cited due Friday, April 25, 2014


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 2:48 PM

Use efficient note-making and note-taking strategies
Explain the effects of a variety of literary devices & techniques
Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, events, & themes of the play
Develop coherent & plausible interpretations of material
Support opinions & respond to questions & tasks with textual evidence
Communicate to clarify ideas, understanding, and opinions

What characteristics distinguish an effective, capable leader?

Discuss bellringer
Overview of Act II
Assign roles
Begin reading and discussing Act II, adding to notes


Independent novel project
Act I Test Tuesday


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 2:47 PM

Use efficient note-making and note-taking strategies
Explain the effects of a variety of literary devices & techniques
Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, events, & themes of the play
Develop coherent & plausible interpretations of material
Support opinions & respond to questions & tasks with textual evidence
Communicate to clarify ideas, understanding, and opinions

Students will re-read two quotes from act one: Lady Macbeth’s speech at the beginning
of scene 5 and Macbeth’s speech at the beginning of scene 7. In their journals, students
will take notes about both character’s personality and other characteristics. This will be
the backbone of the next assignment. (15 minutes)
• Assignment: Individually, students will be asked to draw a symbol that they feel
represents Lady Macbeth and another symbol they believe will define Macbeth’s
personality. Students will then write two paragraphs: one for each character that defends
their drawings. (35 minutes)


Independent novel project
Act I Test Tuesday

April 13, 2014


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 4:29 PM

To analyze plot development in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
To evaluate how themes were brought to life
To analyze characters in their significance to the conflicts
To read to comprehend poetry and its devices

Read in novels of choice

Read Romeo and Juliet
Class discussions and notes
Exit tickets


Continue reading 10-15 minutes nightly. Work on book report project.


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 4:27 PM

Use efficient note-making and note-taking strategies
Explain the effects of a variety of literary devices & techniques
Demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, events, & themes of the play
Develop coherent & plausible interpretations of material
Support opinions & respond to questions & tasks with textual evidence
Communicate to clarify ideas, understanding, and opinions

M: What role does appearance play in society today? What conflicts can arise from appearance?
T: What stereotypes existed concerning men & women’s roles in Anglo Saxon society? To what extent has this changed?

Review last week
Continue reading & discussing Act 1, adding to notes


Independent novel project
Act I Test Tuesday


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 4:19 PM

To utilize the research method to be informed on subject of choice
To synthesize research from different sources into topics
To construct meaning and logical sequencing from researched notes
To write to inform and explain using support and textual evidence

Work on completing notecards, bibliography, and rough drafts


Research Paper Rough Drafts due Tuesday, April 15th.

April 9, 2014


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 8:20 AM

To analyze plot development in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
To evaluate how themes were brought to life
To analyze characters in their significance to the conflicts
To read to comprehend poetry and its devices

Read in novels of choice

Read Romeo and Juliet
Class discussions and notes
Exit tickets


Reading logs due 4/11/14.
Continue reading 10-15 minutes nightly.

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