Room 7 Edublog

March 17, 2014


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 8:40 AM

To review grammar
To spotlight an overview of quarter 4
To summarize an overview of British Literature
To establish proper intro & thesis format

Describe a highlight from spring break. Use complete sentences. Circle 3 nouns. Underline prounouns. Draw boxes around 3 verbs.

Research Paper info handouts
Plan for the week


Chosen British author for research paper due Wednesday, March 19th.


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 8:35 AM

To cite strong & thorough evidence to support analysis of text
To analyze impact of author’s choices on text
To determine meaning of text through figurative language, symbolism, etc.
To establish and maintain a formal writing style
To examine and evaluate how accurately, specifically, and clearly information was conveyed

Monday: Quarter Overview
Tuesday: Literary Movements: Existentialism & Expressionism
Wednesday: Literary Movements: Naturalism & Realism
Thursday: Literary Movements: Romance & Surrealism
Friday: Literary Movements: Symbolist Movement

Monday: Review AP writing rubric
40 minute timed poetry essay
Tuesday: Examine the sample essays using the AP rubric
Evaluate your own essays using the AP rubric
Wednesday: 40 minute timed essay on excerpt
Thursday: Examine the sample essays using the AP rubric
Evaluate your own essays using the AP rubric
Friday: 40 minute timed essay on novel


Novel title for independent reading by Friday the 21st

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