Room 7 Edublog

February 19, 2014


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 7:31 AM

To analyze literature through literary perspectives
To apply lenses to reading and explicating text
To assess and critique to construct meaning
To implement persuasive writing to convince
To utilize short story analysis of characters, symbols, theme, etc.

Students will choose an author and 3-5 short stories by the author to explicate.

Write 3 short papers (1.5 – 2 pages each) based on the short stories by the selected author. Refer to two or more stories in each paper. Refer to each story in at least one paper. Each paper will address a different element of the author’s writing:
1. Characterization
2. Setting
3. Voice
4. Symbols
5. Theme


Novel Reading and Lesson Plan Project
Short Story Papers due March 3, 2014

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