Room 7 Edublog

February 24, 2014


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:55 AM

To analyze characters
To analyze point of view
To pose and respond to questions in discussion
To integrate multiple sources of information
To qualify or justify views and understandings

To practice persuasion and character analysis, students will participate in a detective game.
They will act a scene.
2 Detectives will be called in to hear alibis and determine the culprit.


Read 10-15 minutes every night; reading logs due 28th


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:40 AM

To enable students to consider different money making options
To creatively plan to capitalize on hobbies/interests
To assess future plans and goals
To participate in questioning speaker (practicing interviews)

Introduce Speakers

Tuesday: Kyle Hartman: Presenting available jobs in college and protecting image; Joy Wannamaker: Campus opportunities and ways to save
Wednesday: Rebecca Beddow: Presenting photography
Thursday: Brittany MacDonald: Presenting yoga
Friday: Monday: Laura Beeson: Presenting home businesses (hers is 31) & Tasha Thompson: Entrepreneurship
Monday: SSg. Baker: AK National Guard
Tuesday: SSg Rehm: Marines
Students will listen & participate by note taking, asking questions and discussing


March 3: Graffiti It Book Report Project Due

February 19, 2014


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:45 AM

To implement roles and reading strategies
To apply analytical comprehension to test
To cite evidence to support ideas
To construct understanding of vocabulary through context clues, use in sentences, etc.
To analyze how characters develop, interact, advance the plot, and develop theme

Students will divide into novel groups
They will assign roles
Continue reading class novels with teachers’ support
Answer questions as a group and independently
Continue filling out character descriptions


Read 10-15 minutes every night; reading logs due 28th


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:44 AM

To apply analytical comprehension to text
To construct understanding through context clues
To analyze how characters develop, interact, advance the plot, and develop theme
To initiate and participate effectively in collaborative discussions, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively

Students worked on character descriptions individually and collaboratively


Read 10-15 minutes every night; reading logs due 28th


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:36 AM

To implement roles and reading strategies
To apply analytical comprehension to test
To cite evidence to support ideas
To construct understanding of vocabulary through context clues, use in sentences, etc.
To analyze how characters develop, interact, advance the plot, and develop theme

New Reading logs handed out
Students will divide into novel groups
They will assign roles
Continue reading class novels with teachers’ support
Answer questions as a group and independently
Continue filling out character descriptions


Read 10-15 minutes every night; reading logs due 28th


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 7:31 AM

To analyze literature through literary perspectives
To apply lenses to reading and explicating text
To assess and critique to construct meaning
To implement persuasive writing to convince
To utilize short story analysis of characters, symbols, theme, etc.

Students will choose an author and 3-5 short stories by the author to explicate.

Write 3 short papers (1.5 – 2 pages each) based on the short stories by the selected author. Refer to two or more stories in each paper. Refer to each story in at least one paper. Each paper will address a different element of the author’s writing:
1. Characterization
2. Setting
3. Voice
4. Symbols
5. Theme


Novel Reading and Lesson Plan Project
Short Story Papers due March 3, 2014


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:28 AM

To engage in persuasive writing
To take notes from multiple sources
To explore a subject and define 3 topics
To complete scholarship portfolios

Zinch weekly scholarship sign up
What activities could you persuade your cousins to do while they visit you in Kenai this summer?

Investigate privacy issues regarding sales of second hand copiers.
Is it an issue or not?
Watch a video and read several sources
Take notes in outline format
Decide 3 topics
Write a collaborative persuasive essay
Students will be given some time to work on completing scholarship portfolios


March 3: Graffiti It Book Report Project Due


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:25 AM

To enable students to consider different money making options
To creatively plan to capitalize on hobbies/interests
To participate in questioning speaker (practicing interviews)

Introduce Jenna French

Jenna French will explain her craft business
Students will listen & participate by asking questions and discussing


March 3: Graffiti It Book Report Project Due


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:24 AM

To complete portfolios
To practice writing to a prompt

Questions for Jenna French: craft business

Students will have this period to complete scholarship portfolios due this week.


March 3: Graffiti It Book Report Project Due

February 13, 2014


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp,LA 12,LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 2:57 PM

All students in Mrs. Schneider’s English classes will be completing Persuasive District Assessments these 3 days.


AP Seniors: Book report projects due on the days you signed up.

LA 12: Book report project due March 3, 2014

LA 9: Be reading your independent novels every night and filling out your reading logs.

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