Room 7 Edublog

December 2, 2013


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:50 AM

To practice thinking 3 ideas to reinforce opinions and thesis
To utilize outlining to break down essay components
To target main ideas and highlight key words in reading and writing
To practice silent reading and comprehension
To use excellent oral strategies (such as volume, enunciation, expression, pacing) in reading aloud.
To practice research skills to inform writing
To roleplay to create richer information for essay backgrounds

Begin with silent reading in novels for 5-8 minutes
Add to green response sheets while reading
Prompt: Give recommendations to the school board about school lunches
Brainstorm, create thesis statements, and outline as a group or in pods
Roleplay interviewers questioning high school students to help fill in missing aspects
Research data to help inform writing

10-15 minutes of reading a night, or read as many pages as necessary to finish books; prepare book reports

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