Room 7 Edublog

November 20, 2013


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 8:00 AM

To identify setting and how it informs theme
To segue from theme into writing a thesis based on theme

Students discuss theme in pods
Class overview of the story’s theme with board notes
Discuss: how to bridge from theme to thesis statement
Pods develop a thesis
Class discussion of thesis statement with board notes
Read “Silent Spring”
Discuss vocabulary, symbols, and theme
Pods write down themes and turn themes into a thesis statment


Continue reading 10-15 minutes nightly; work on book report project


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:56 AM

To identify and interpret theme
To explain the purpose of reading/writing literature
To review classifications of literature
To practice oral reading skills
To identify setting and how it informs theme

Take notes from board: purpose of literature, theme definition, classes of literature
Read “If I Forget Thee Oh Earth”
Discuss setting and theme with vocabulary


Continue reading 10-15 minutes nightly

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