Room 7 Edublog

October 26, 2013


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 3:49 PM

To gain experience using essay writing methods
To practice brainstorming, outlining, and writing rough drafts
To use hooks and thesis statements to create interest and cohesiveness
To organize notebook information

Finish “The Most Dangerous Game” rough drafts.
Begin putting English notebooks in order.


Continue reading 10-15 minutes every night.


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 3:48 PM

To gain experience using essay writing methods
To practice brainstorming, outlining, and writing rough drafts
To use hooks and thesis statements to create interest and cohesiveness

Continue outlines and begin rough drafts.
Essay prompts center around “The Most Dangerous Game.”


Continue reading 10-15 minutes every night.


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 3:48 PM

To gain experience using essay writing methods
To practice brainstorming, outlining, and writing rough drafts
To use hooks and thesis statements to create interest and cohesiveness

Review outline and hook notes
Students continue brainstorming and begin outlines


Continue reading 10-15 minutes every night.


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 3:37 PM

To analyze a film version of MacBeth and compare it to Shakespeare’s play
To examine elements in the film such as mood, symbols, and characters
To reflect in discussion or debate
To read and interpret Act 2 of MacBeth
To discuss the sonnet assignment

Monday: If you were forced to spend the rest of your life in a library, a museum, or a zoo, which would you choose and why?

Begin with showing Act 1 in the film
Discuss the elements and analyze effectiveness
Review sonnet form
Begin Act 2


Revised sonnets due Friday
Independent novel selection due today


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 2:56 PM

To analyze a text
To develop an argument for appeal
To practice play-writing
To work cooperatively effectively


Monday: If you were forced to spend the rest of your life in a library, museum, or a zoo, which would you choose and why?

Tuesday: Draw your head, then fill it with words or pictures showing (explaining) what’s going on in there.

Wednesday: If you had to wear one t-shirt for the rest of your life, what t-shirt would you wear? What color would it be? What would it have on it? Why this t-shirt and not another? (For the sake of this prompt, we’ll pretend it never gets dirty or wears out.)

Thursday: If you could choose any 2 famous people to be your parents, who would you choose and why?

Friday: Explain or describe Friday as if it were a person.


Each pod should choose 1 pilgrim’s story to focus on. Students will assume the role of 1 of Chaucer’s pilgrims and write a 2-5 minute script for the appropriate tale. The script is an individual assignment; each student must submit their own script. Each pod will create a handbill advertising the performance. Handbills must include the following info:

Plot Summary
Theme – stated as a question
Cast of characters – provide revealing nicknames or epithets
Type of Tale – is it a fable, tragedy, romance, parable, etc?
Advertising Gimmicks – develop ethical, logical, and emotional appeals to attract an audience
Logo – Foreshadowing or symbolizing the most significant idea in the story
Pilgrim/Puppeteer’s Name & Credentials – who tells this tale? Why should we believe you?

Tuesday: We will go over a PowerPoint Presentation of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales


Independent Reading novel selection due Monday, October 28th
Canterbury Tales scripts due Monday, Nov. 4th

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