Room 7 Edublog

October 14, 2013


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 9:05 AM

To determine 2 or more themes and analyze their development
To cite evidence to support analysis
To determine meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text
To write to examine and convey information
To participate effectively in collaborative discussions
To respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives

Mr. Cater goes over Narrative Assessment scores

Complete comparison/contrast of 2 sonnets
Begin reading Shakespeare’s MacBeth
Review background to the time
Act I, Scenes 1-3
Stop for discussions and to check understanding
Read with paper to take notes


Write an original Shakespearean sonnet on the theme of love.
Due Oct. 16 at the beginning of class.


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 9:04 AM

To research a canto in Dante’s Inferno
To analyze and summarize specifically citing sensory imagery, figurative language, symbolism, allusions, characterization, historical significance, author’s purpose, and tone
To practice formal essay writing
To participate effectively in a collaborative discussion

Mr. Cater goes over Narrative Assessment scores

Each group will read their circle together, paying particular attention to:
Sensory Imagery
Figurative Language
Historical significance
Author’s Purpose
Each group member will write a 2 page, double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman font paper including the above elements AND answering the following questions:
1) Do the inhabitants belong there? Why or why not?
2) Is the punishment fitting?
Use specific evidence to support your conclusions.


Wednesday the 16th: Dante’s Circle of Hell rough draft due for peer review
And Oedipus Rex essay and notes due; Journal responses due
Thursday the 17th: Literary Devices quiz on E-N
Monday the 21st: Dante’s Circle of Hell final draft due.

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