Room 7 Edublog

October 11, 2013


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 4:46 PM

To review plot outline and story sequence
To complete an assessment of story sequence outline
To use words and pictures to convey meaning

While discussing as a class, create plot outline charts
Individually, students will complete the following assessment:
Describe each main event and outcome
Use pictures to complement descriptions
Each even/outcome must be in proper sequenceAGENDA:


Continue to read 10-15 minutes every night!


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 4:15 PM

To analyze the structure of sonnets
To analyze how an author treats a theme
To differentiate between the Petrarchan and Spenserian sonnet
To write informative/explanatory text to convey ideas
To demonstrate understanding of iambic pentameter through explanation

In a paragraph, explain to a foreign exchange student from Italy what iambic pentameter is.

Remember, examples are one way that help make an explanation understandable.

Consider the 4 point rubric in writing your paragraph.

Read “Sonnet 31” and “Sonnet 39” by Sir Philip Sidney
Complete a comparison/contrast chart of the following ideas:
1) Petrarchan or Spenserian?
2) Speaker’s Situation?
3) Addressed to?
4) Types of Images?
5) Speaker’s Conclusions?


Original sonnets due October 16, 2013 at the beginning of class.


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 4:05 PM

To use precise language and writing techniques to manage the complexity of a topic
To use a variety of techniques to build on one another to create a coherent whole
To use precise words, phrases, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture
To demonstrate understanding of implementing dress-ups through a written activity

In 1 paragraph, describe to a foreign exchange student who Dante is and what his literary significance includes.

Use the composition checklist to review sentence openers and teach dressups
Complete examples on the board as a class
In pods, students will practice writing sentences with dressups


Literary Response Journals OR Oedipus Notes & Essay: Due Oct. 16
Thursday the 17th: Literary Devices quiz E-N

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