Room 7 Edublog

September 30, 2013


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 8:39 AM

To review what an epic is
To compare Beowulf to an “epic hero”

Are you an epic hero? Answer the questions “yes” or “no” quietly on a piece of paper.

Review the idea of an “epic hero” through a Prezi clip
Each student researches evidence in the epic and writes it down
Each pod reflects on what each member has found
Class discussion on whether Beowulf fits this hero mold


Cell Messages (book report project) due at the BEGINNING of class 10/8/13 (32 pts)
Remember: imagine these cell messages are following the story plot outline. What 7 events of rising action, climax, and falling action should you note?


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:59 AM

To use description in creating a monster
To review 3 types of stories

Students will use their handouts to create their monsters
On the front, they fill in information about their monster
On the back, they draw their monsters
We will review the 3 kinds of stories


Continue reading 10-15 minutes every night!

9/30/13 – 10/2/13

Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 7:58 AM

To instruct an overview of Greek theatre
To practice pod cooperative work and peer team teaching

Quotation review: every change in speaker = new paragraph (Monday)
Scrugg’s Allusions: 30 Pieces of Silver or Betrayed with a Kiss (Tuesday)
Scrugg’s Allusions: Gordian Knot (Wednesday)

Pods will teach the rest of the class what they have learned about Greek theatre
Class will take notes


(Those reading their own story)
Be working on your journal reflections as you read.
Remember: 5 different types of reflections for each of your 15 journal entries.
Be sure to include vocabulary, literary devices, essay questions, and any of the other items under “Identify.” Due October 16 at the start of class. No exceptions! 125 points

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