Room 7 Edublog

September 26, 2013


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 9:31 AM

To read and analyze Beowulf
To create a monster/Grendel text graphic
To note literary devices and religious elements in Beowulf
To practice working in pods towards a common goal

Quickwrite: Discuss the theme of “loyalty” in Beowulf. How important is loyalty? Is there a time it should be broken? Upheld? Explain. (Thursday)
Quickwrite: What does an effective leader do? What separates a leader from “a beaten warrior”? Explain. Use Examples. (Friday)

Finish reading and analyzing Beowulf, creating a monster text graphic (10 pts)


Cell Messages (book report project) due at the BEGINNING of class 10/8/13 (32 pts)
Remember: imagine these cell messages are following the story plot outline. What 7 events of rising action, climax, and falling action should you note?

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