Room 7 Edublog

September 26, 2013


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 9:26 AM

To practice dramatic speaking
To bring a character and their point of view to life convincingly
To maintain composure in front of an audience
To review the Hebrew stories & myths that have informed Western literature
To preview Greek/Roman literature through gods sheet

Poorly written paragraph to be re-written using a variety of sentence openers and lengths.

Use the little theatre for story presentations
Present stories in chronological order to aid in a concise historical overview of the Hebrew culture
Students listen to each other’s presentations
Gods handouts for students to research and fill in


(Those reading their own story)
Be working on your journal reflections as you read.
Remember: 5 different types of reflections for each of your 15 journal entries.
Be sure to include vocabulary, literary devices, essay questions, and any of the other items under “Identify.” Due October 16 at the start of class. No exceptions! 125 points

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