Room 7 Edublog

September 18, 2013


Filed under: LA 9 — Rm 7 @ 7:26 AM


To begin class with a review of description
To use description activity to segue to new unit on monsters
To introduce and begin reading The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Students spend a few minutes reading their individual novels

Activity: Students are paired off back to back; 1 has an item they must describe to the other; 2nd student has to guess this object; switch roles when 2nd student guesses correctly; class discussion on what descriptive words were used and to which of the 5 senses the descriptors appealed.

Class discussion: how does using descriptive words make something more interesting? Write descriptive words the students share on the Smart Board; highlight them using different colors for each sense to which they appeal.

Show YouTube video clip on Headless Horseman. Describe the clip. How did it make you feel? What did you see?

Hand out Legend of Sleepy Hollow scripts. Students choose parts. Begin to read.


Spend 10-15 minutes every night reading in your books.


To learn and distinguish among the 5 main text structures
To utilize key words in analyzing structure
To demonstrate understanding through graphic organizers

Show library book

Using 5 text structure cards, instruct the key words
Use graphic organizers to read passages and analyze structure through class discussion.
Spend time reading in your individual novels.


Read 10-15 minutes every night


Filed under: AP Lit & Comp — Rm 7 @ 7:21 AM

To learn the Hebrew stories that influenced and informed Western literature
To explore story elements through the stories
To practice essay writing and varities of sentence openers
To include a literary device
To practice peer editing

Crocodile Tears/Sirens (Thursday)
Sirens/Read the Riot Act (Friday)

Hebrews – Telling a Story
Write a 1-2 page story explaining:
Social, historical, and/or cultural significance of the chosen individual or event
Point of View – Will you narrate the story in first or third person? Why?
Which literary terms did you randomly select? How will you incorporate it into the story?


Edited Hebrew/Myth stories due Monday the 23rd (24 points)
Come to class prepared to present Monday (16 points)
(Those reading their own story)
Be working on your journal reflections as you read.
Remember: 5 different types of reflections for each of your 15 journal entries.
Be sure to include vocabulary, literary devices, essay questions, and any of the other items under “Identify.” Due October 16 at the start of class. No exceptions! 125 points
Oedipus essays and journal notes due Oct. 16.


Filed under: LA 12 — Rm 7 @ 7:10 AM

To begin background study of Beowulf
To begin reading Beowulf
To create a monster/Grendel text graphic
To note literary devices and religious elements in Beowulf

Utilize PowerPoint to teach background of Beowulf
Begin reading Beowulf, creating a monster graphic (10 pts)
Pods will note literary devices
Class Beowulf discussion


Cell Messages (book report project) due 10/8/13 (30 pts)

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